Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Category: Web design

  • @font-face arrives

    I haven’t felt like making the time to post in a while. Honestly, I haven’t had much time either. Today, however, is a new day. At 1:31 PM I received an e-mail from [email protected]. The e-mail informed me that Typekit was ready for people to start using their service. I’m pretty sure I wrote about…

  • I <3 WordPress

    The more I use WordPress and muck about with its functions and plugins; the more I love it. I decided I wanted to have a page that showed posts from a specific category and only those posts. It turns out there are a number of ways to do that. You can create a caterory-xx.php file, …

  • Another cool place for type

    Veer is a very cool site with resources for Photography, Illustration, and Type. They have a lot of very cool typefaces and their Flont technology makes previewing the type really easy. I just wish my hard drive had unlimited space and that my computer could handle having 3000 typefaces active at one time. I don’t…

  • Some interesting posts from A List Apart

    My RSS reader finally decided to pick up the two post made to ALA on Sunday: Brighter Horizons for Web Education and Elevate Web Design at the University Level. The articles are dealing with the state of Web education. The general feeling is that our educational system is doing a terrible job of preparing the…

  • A type nuts dream?

    In reading this article I stumbled upon the reference to TypeTester. TypeTester will let you test out differnt sizes, leadings, word spacings, etc. to get a good sense of how the text will look on the screen. I will definitely be checking it out and playing with it.