Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Category: Teaching

  • Timeline 3D, why haven’t I heard of this before?

    Actually, I feel stupid for not thinking that there might be faculty that want to create timeline presentations. You can see some examples at Bee Docs’ Web site. I can totally see art history, history, or any presentations where the timing of events is important for understanding the overall story finding a use for software…

  • What can you communicate in 60 seconds?

    My news feeds brought me a little tidbit today from Apple. The story that caught my attention was about 60 second lectures. The University of Pennsylvania is featured in the story but this is similar to projects that we had students do to emulate NPR stories. The idea is to pick a short time frame…

  • iPhone educational apps (part 2)

    After many hours of waiting with a bricked iPhone (like many others), I was able to get the 2.0 software loaded and download some apps. I’ll give you some of my initial impressions. Molecules: Molecules seems like it could be a nice app to have available in a class where you want students to get…

  • Game worlds as sets

    Well, clearly, I have not been blogging more. Warcraft is still consuming most of my free time at home. So let’s put that to good use. There are several videos on YouTube and Google video of Warcraft game play and strategy videos. These hold interest for players like me but not the general public and…

  • iTunes U goes public

    On Tuesday Apple Computer added an iTunes U area to it’s iTunes store. This should be a very exciting thing for our faculty as it provides them with access to a myriad of educational podcasts and example of what they themselves could be doing with a little help fromInstructional Technology. Wooster has been accepted in…