Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Category: Site

  • To BuddyPress or not to BuddyPress?

    Soon? We will have a new WPMU install up and my dilemma is whether to make it a BuddyPress installation. For those that may not know, BuddyPress turns your WPMU install into a community blogging site with group blogs, profiles, friending, etc. BuddyPress does this via plugins and some special themes. The reason I am…

  • I <3 WordPress

    The more I use WordPress and muck about with its functions and plugins; the more I love it. I decided I wanted to have a page that showed posts from a specific category and only those posts. It turns out there are a number of ways to do that. You can create a caterory-xx.php file, …

  • More copyright

    It seems that many of my old posts no longer have working videos. There are two reasons for this: I have disabled the plugin used to embed the videos, the video has been taken off of YouTube because of terms of use violation. Not sure how to feel about the copyright issue. Not sure that…

  • Make Cloud a bust?

    So my RSS feed tagcloud doesn’t seem to be showing. Is the Pipe broken or is Make Cloud broken? I have no idea and will investigate. It may not matter as I noticed the site was super slow to load when it was working. I also have to ask myself what the point was. Why…

  • Stats

    It occurred to me that I used to have Performancing stats going on the site. I’ve noticed some referrences to Performancing as the page loads and thought I’d check. Of course the stats are all gone because of the move to the new domain, and I had forgotten my password (what I wouldn’t give for…