Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Category: Personal

  • Exploring CSS 3 and more on @font-face

    I’ve continued to play with @font-face and have decided that while Typekit is a nice service; it is not worth paying for unless I am getting access to Adobe’s Library or Linotype’s Library. There are a lot of nice fonts on the service but I discovered Font Squirrel which has a number of the same…

  • @font-face arrives

    I haven’t felt like making the time to post in a while. Honestly, I haven’t had much time either. Today, however, is a new day. At 1:31 PM I received an e-mail from [email protected]. The e-mail informed me that Typekit was ready for people to start using their service. I’m pretty sure I wrote about…

  • Inadvertant learning

    I’ve been on vacation since returning from the New Media Consortium conference in Monterey. Usually this would mean playing a lot of Warcraft, mowing the yard, keeping ahead of the laundry, and all those other things one does when on a staycation. But this one has been a little different. Kathy now works from home,…

  • So far, so good

    I upgraded to WordPress 2.8 lastnight. So far I like most of the changes and as far as I can tell most of the plugins are working as intended. The only thing that bugs me a bit is the change to plugins. I liked having all the inactive ones at the bottom. Maybe I just…

  • The future of the Liberal Arts

    I have written in previous posts about my fear that the Liberal Arts are losing their relevance in the eyes of society. In this TED talk 1 Liz Coleman, president of Bennington College, highlights some of the things I have been thinking about the state of many Liberal Arts colleges. While I do not think…