Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Category: Site

  • New look

    I’ve been playing around with adding support for different color styles to the Genesis Treacle theme. This is in anticipation of changing up the design of The Pedestal Group site. The Pedestal Group is using an older version of the theme I use on this site. The older version is not based on Genesis and…

  • Playing around with Genesis Theme Framework

    I have just about finished converting my site design to the Genesis Theme Framework by StudioPress. It really is the first, what I would consider to be a framework, that I have used. I have used what others may call frameworks in the past but pretty much all of them lacked the most powerful aspect…

  • Playing with Technology now Multisite enabled

    I took the plunge today (first day of vacation) and moved to Multisite. It was a little scary when it told me to disable all my plugins but it looks like I have everything working. One thing I discovered is that the text in a Text widget is lost when doing this. I had…

  • WordPress 3.0 and the future of “Playing with Technology”

    WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious” has gone live and I have updated the Instructional Technology site, Playing with Technology, Jon Breitenbucher, Orthogonal Creations, The Breitenbuchers and On my five sites, all hosted on a DreamHost PS, everything went smoothly. I was shocked when this site upgraded without a hitch. I am running 42 plugins on the…

  • @font-face arrives

    I haven’t felt like making the time to post in a while. Honestly, I haven’t had much time either. Today, however, is a new day. At 1:31 PM I received an e-mail from The e-mail informed me that Typekit was ready for people to start using their service. I’m pretty sure I wrote about…