Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Category: Geek

  • And we’re done

    Do you notice a difference? Probably not and you aren’t supposed to notice one. I just redid the grid that I had so that it is fluid. You should be able to hit CMND+ or CMND- to increase and decrease the fontsize while maintaining the overall layout and proportions (except for the graphical elements). This…

  • Pipes is pretty cool

    I got all my feeds put into the Pipe and had it working in about five minutes (I have a lot of feeds). I put it into Make Cloud and had the code for a tag cloud in about two more minutes. I added the code to the blog and… nothing. I can’t tell if…

  • New feed cloud

    My feed cloud has been broken for longer than I can remember. I think this gives me an opportunity to look at Yahoo! Pipes and Make Cloud. Didn’t I blog about Pipes at some point?

  • 960 Grid System

    So, it is a bad idea for me to watch movies about typefaces, I’m just sayin’. I think I am going to really look at this site through the lens of typogridphy and by extension the 960 grid system. If that goes well then I may take what I learn and apply it to the…


    Bryan has been holding out on me, or maybe I missed a post at Liberal Education Today. The SIMILE project has a lot of cool stuff going on. I’m not sure their Timeline gets at what 3D Timeline does and what Eric suggested doesn’t quite seem to get at it either. 3D Timeline does let…