Category: woodle
Fun with Moodle, Not!
Breathe. Take a long breath. That’s what you do when you’re faced with a Moodle issue that has your phone ringing off the hook with confused faculty on the other end. Let’s spell out what the issue was and how it got fixed.A few weeks ago a faculty member noticed that there were extra people…
New Moodle modules to test
Below is a long (and I mean really long) list of modules, blocks, and resource types that are being considered for addition to out Moodle installation. Over the remaining weeks of this semester we will be testing some of these. If you have any preference for what gets tested first, please leave a comment indicating…
Bryan comes through again
Hmmm. So Liberal Education Today had a post about Web 2.0 technologies used in a class. This post was particularly interesting because the tools were used in the context of Moodle. Also of great interest was the use of Jing and Screencast. Screencast looks to be too expensive for campus use, but I’m going to…
Classes start tomorrow
woodle seems to be fine. Most of the facutly that I couldn’t reassign to their courses through technology have contacted me and been assigned manually. I’ve got the first two homework assignments up in my course and it looks like none of my students have accessed the course yet. This week before classes is always…
woodle Admin broken
Not sure what happened between 1:30 PM when I was creating a meta course for a Math class and now, but when I login as admin the front page does not finish loading and I am unable to enter classes. I get the error (kCFErrorDomain… and I can’t read the end…. when I view it in…