Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Category: Multimedia

  • Digital Scholarship and Interactive Publishing

    Digital Scholarship and Open Access Publishing are two trends that have been emerging for several years, and at this point have probably arrived. The advent of platforms such as Blogger and WordPress have made it extremely easy for faculty to share their research and “publish”. I like tools such as these because they are free…

  • @font-face arrives

    I haven’t felt like making the time to post in a while. Honestly, I haven’t had much time either. Today, however, is a new day. At 1:31 PM I received an e-mail from The e-mail informed me that Typekit was ready for people to start using their service. I’m pretty sure I wrote about…

  • Hulu desktop app

    I spent a little time playing around with Hulu’s desktop app. It was a very slick implementation. I really liked the fact that I could associate it with my Hulu account. This allowed me to pull up things on my queue and subscriptions. One annoying thing about this integration is that I couldn’t find a…

  • YouTube goes Educational

    I love YouTube. I think it is a great resource for educators but one issue has been finding content suitable for use in the classroom. I saw today that YouTube has added an edu landing page. You can see it here. TechCrunch indicates that this grew out of a desire by some YouTube employees to…

  • Let’s make a book

    PediaPress will allow students to obtain completed wiki projects in book form.