Playing with Technology

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~Arthur C. Clarke

Ta Da

You are no longer on the Wooster blog server but on my Dreamhost install. I decided I wanted to update my WordPress and didn’t want to disrupt the College’s blog server that I maintain. That install is also running an old version of WordPress MU. I had been adding all kinds of custom stuff to the server that only I could use and that got me thinking I should move to my own server and not mess with the schools.

The move was accomplished by exporting all my posts and comments and importing them to this site. I made sure to install all the plugins I had enabled on the old site and installed the redirect plugin on the College’s blog server. This is probably the same solution we will use to transition the old blog server to hardware supported by the Digital Infrastructure Group.

The process was relatively painless and I was surprised that the import even copied the files off the old server onto the new one. Very slick!

So keep an eye out for new features as I add more plugins and enjoy my new found freedom (I’ve already added ShareThis.) and update your bookmarks and RSS subscriptions to the new address. Thanks.




